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How can we help you?

Another Chance offers a full spectrum of services to support you and your loved ones.

ADHD Counseling and Coaching

Are your ADHD symptoms making life more and more difficult?


Is anxiety, worry and panic overtaking your life?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a short-term, problem-focused form of behavioral treatment.

Counseling for family and partners impacted by substance misuse.

Has Substance Use or Alcohol Taken Over Your Family Member’s Life?

Couples Counseling

I help people develop the necessary skills needed to maintain sustaining love.

Depression Counseling

Are you feeling hopeless, isolated and not your usual self?

DUI Evaluations

Have you been told to find a substance abuse professional (SAP)?

Substance Misuse and Addiction Counseling

Are substances or alcohol playing to big a role in your life?


Do you need support, but can’t make it to an in-person appointment?

Trauma, Grief & Loss

Almost everyone who experiences trauma will be emotionally affected, and for some the effects can be long lasting.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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